Student Support SPCM

An approachable intermediary service

between SPCM students and the supports they need on campus

Student Mentor

The goal of Student Mentor at SPCM is to enable all students achieve their academic potential. Going into third level education can be a challenging yet highly rewarding experience. We are committed to making students' time in Maynooth as positive and enjoyable as possible.

Sandra Norgrove is the Student Support Coordinator. Her job is to ensure students have access to appropriate supports and guidance which will assist them in their progression through academic studies in SPCM. She can help students get the best out of the Student Support Services that are available on-campus, such as chaplaincy services, counselling, and budgeting advice.

If students are struggling with lectures, assignments, or exams, are having financial difficulties, or their personal circumstances are causing them distress, they can contact Sandra. She is there to listen and offer students support through those challenges. You can email her at or call in to the Pontifical University Office.

In keeping with our Strategic Plan, we aim to create a personable, helpful, challenging, inclusive, and supportive learning environment, which is rooted in a Catholic identity and committed to the intellectual and human growth of all students so that they might become reflective, skilled, and confident graduates.

Student Assistance Fund


We're always fundraising to improve Saint Patrick’s College so why not donate and help make us better!