Mature Students
Life Long Learning

It is true what is said that if you are studying something you love it is half the battle. I will be forever indebted to all my fellow students and all my lecturers and tutors, without whose help I could not have achieved so much
Considering Us
Making the decision to return to education, after a number of years, is not easy. At this stage you have more than likely put a lot of thought into it, and no doubt you have put off making the final decision several times. Don’t despair. You're are not alone.
Returning to learning, especially to third level, is a big step. It is hard work, but it is a fascinating and worthwhile journey. It is a most rewarding and fulfilling experience.
Take a look at this article written by a mature student:
It’ll All Come Together in the End
Why Maynooth College
Maynooth is the perfect environment for mature students. It is Ireland’s only University town which means you can escape the hassle of long city commutes or you can use the handy bus and rail links to the Campus.
Our unique, historic and beautiful campus is the ideal location for reflection and learning.
During your time in Maynooth we will support and assist you in your new life as a student. We have a Mature Student Society where you can meet friends and catch up on what’s happening at the society coffee mornings.
The Pontifical University has close links with Maynooth University (National University of Ireland Maynooth). Both universities share the same campus and facilities.
We have a crèche on campus. Other supports include counselling, academic support, disability/access office, career development centre, and a medical centre.
Are you a Mature Student candidate?
If you are 23 years of age or over on 1st January in the year of proposed entry, and you do not fulfil ordinary entry requirements, you may apply for matriculation on the basis of mature years. In other words, you can apply for one of our courses as a mature applicant even though you may not have completed a Leaving Certificate.
Applications are processed through the CAO, by 1st February. Late applications will be accepted up until the CAO late application closing date of 1st May.
Please contact the Admissions Office before submitting a late application or before entering our courses on your CAO application using the Change of Mind Facility after 1st May. An application fee is applicable when applying through the CAO. All mature applicants will be interviewed.
For more information on applying as a mature student, contact the Admissions & Marketing Officer
Ms Barbara Mahon
Tel: (01) 708 4772
Interviews for mature applicants will be held in March 2018. All mature applicants are invited for interview.
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