Rev. Prof. Declan Marmion, S.M.

Research Interests
- — Trinitarian Theology
- — The Theology of Karl Rahner
- — The Synodal Vision of Pope Francis
- — The Relationship between Theology and Spirituality
- — Theological Anthropology
Highlighted Publications
A Spirituality of Everyday Faith: A Theological Investigation of the Notion of
Spirituality in Karl Rahner, Louvain Theological & Pastoral Monographs 23, Louvain,
Peeters Press/Eerdmans, 1998.
An Introduction to the Trinity, with R. Van Nieuwenhove. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
The Cambridge Companion to Karl Rahner [ed.] with M. E. Hines. Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Theology in the Making: Biography, Contexts, Methods [ed.] with G. Thiessen. Dublin, Veritas, 2005.
- Christian Identity in a Postmodern Age: Celebrating the Legacies of Karl Rahner and Bernard Lonergan [ed.] Dublin, Veritas, 2005.
Trinity and Salvation: Theological, Spiritual and Aesthetic Perspectives, Studies in Theology, Society and Culture, Vol. 2 [ed.] with G. Thiessen. Oxford/Bern: Peter Lang, 2009.
Faith Questions, [ed.] with B. Leahy. Dublin, Columba, Press. 2013.
Remembering the Reformation. Martin Luther and Catholic Theology [ed.] with S. Ryan and G. Thiessen. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2017.
Co-editor with Norbert Hintersteiner (University of Műnster, Germany) and Gesa Thiessen (Trinity College, Dublin) of the “Theology, Society and Culture Series” with Peter Lang (2009–present; 13 vols. published to date).
Karl Rahner, "Experiences of a Catholic Theologian," Translated with an Introduction by Declan Marmion and Gesa Thiessen, Theological Studies 61, 2000, 3-15.
“Rahner and his Critics: Revisiting the Dialogue,” Irish Theological Quarterly 68, 2003, 195-212.
“Theology, Spirituality, and the Role of Experience in Karl Rahner,” Louvain Studies, 29, 2004, 49-76.
“Trinity and Salvation: A Dialogue with Catherine LaCugna,” Irish Theological Quarterly 74, 2009, 115-29.
“Some Aspects of the Theological Legacy of Karl Rahner,” in Pádraic Conway & Fáinche Ryan, eds., Karl Rahner: Theologian for the Twenty-first Century, (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2010), 3-22.
“Trinity and Tradition: Revisiting the Trinitarian Tradition East and West,” in The Shaping of Tradition, edited by Colby Dickinson, Lieven Boeve and Terrence Merrigan (Annua Nuntia Lovaniensia 70) (Leuven: Peeters Press, 2013), 267-81.
“Transcendental Thomisms.” Chapter in the Oxford Handbook of Catholic Theology, ed. Lewis Ayres, et al. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, Forthcoming, Published online 2017). See Transcendental Thomisms
“Between Transcendence and History, Trauma and Grace: Rahner’s Anthropology Revisited,” Louvain Studies 37, 2013, 309-26.
“Karl Rahner, Vatican II, and the Shape of the Church,” Theological Studies 78, 2017, 25-48.
‘From Foe to Friend: Martin Luther’s Legacy in Catholic Perspective.’ The Furrow 68, 2017, 523-31.
Undergraduate studies at the University of Passau, Germany (Vordiplom) and Milltown Institute, Dublin (BD). Graduate studies at Heythrop College, London (M.Th); All Hallows College, Dublin (Dip. Past. Theol.), Trinity College, Dublin (H.Dip. Ed.) and the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (STL, 1993; STD/PhD, 1996). Since 1997 taught at the Milltown Institute of Philosophy and Theology and Head of Dept. of Systematic Theology (2006-2010). Appointed Professor of Systematic Theology at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth in 2013. Editor of the Irish Theological Quarterly since 2013, Dean of the Faculty of Theology 2015-21.
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