Dr Suzanne Mulligan

Research Interests
- — Catholic Social Doctrine
- — The Common Good
- — Fundamental Moral Theology
- — Identity Ethics
- — HIV/AIDS pandemic
Suzanne Mulligan (ed.), Reaping the Harvest: Fifty Years after Vatican II, (Dublin: Columba Press, 2012).
“The Extra Mile”, Furrow, vol.61 (December 2010), 677 – 684.
“Welcoming the Stranger?”, The First, (Catholic Theological Ethics in a World Church, October 1st, 2021), available at: www.catholicethics.com.
"Builders of a New Social Bond": Fratelli tutti on Good Politics and the Challenge of Inequality”, The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. Forthcoming, Fall 2021.
“Fratelli tutti and a Consistent Ethic of Life”, The Furrow, vol.72, 2, February 2021, 74-81.
“Interreligious Solidarity and COVID-19”, Reality, February 2021.
“Builders of a New Social Bond: Reflections on Fratelli tutti”, The Furrow, vol.71, 12, December 2020, 647-653.
“Reflections on Querida Amazonia”, Reality, September 2020.
“The Right to Housing?”, The First, (Catholic Theological Ethics in a World Church, May 1st, 2020), available at: www.catholicethics.com.
“An Economy that Excludes? Reflections on Ireland’s Housing Crisis”, The Furrow, vol.70, 10, October 2019, 523-530.
“Economics should not trump ethics over Occupied Territories Bill”, Opinion and Analysis, Irish Times, March 22nd 2019.
“Economics versus Ethics: Ireland’s ‘Occupied Territories Bill’”, The First, (Catholic Theological Ethics in a World Church, April 1st, 2019), available at: www.catholicethics.com.
“The Occupied Territories Bill: Superficial Gesture or Moment of Solidarity?”, The Furrow, vo.70, 4, April 2019, 195-200.
“Syria: The Danger of a Single Story”, Irish Times, December 27, 2016.
“Remembering Rightly”, The Furrow, vol.67, no.2, February 2016, 73-79.
“Laudato Si: Reflections on the New Encycical”, Reality, Spetember 2015, 12-18.
“Justifying War?”, The Furrow, vol.65, no.10, October 2015.
“Capabilities and the Common Good”, Irish Theological Quarterly, vol.75 no.4 (2010), 388 – 406.
Catholic Teaching on HIV and Highly Vulnerable Groups, (Trocaire Briefing Paper, 2010).
“Sexuality and Justice”, Human Trafficking, Prostitution, and Sexuality, (Dublin: APT Publication, 2010).
“Sexuality and the Good of Human Relationship”, Human Trafficking, Prostitution, and Sexuality, (Dublin: APT Publication, 2010).
“Justifying War? The Relevance of the Just War Theory Today”, Intercom, (April, 2010), 14.
“The Future of Moral Theology in Ireland”, Doctrine and Life, vol.60 (April, 2010), 41-50
“What Next?”, Furrow, 60, (June 2009), 336-341.
“A Strange Sort of Freedom: Human Agency and HIV/AIDS”, in Moral Theology for the Twenty-First Century: Essays in Celebration of Kevin Kelly, Bernard Hoose, Julie Clague, Gerard Mannion (eds.), (London: Continuum: 2008).
“A Strange Sort of Freedom: Human Agency and HIV/AIDS”, in Moral Theology for the Twenty-First Century: Essays in Celebration of Kevin Kelly, Bernard Hoose, Julie Clague, Gerard Mannion (eds.), (London: Continuum: 2008).
“The Development of Peoples: Populorum Progressio 40 years on”, Milltown Studies, 59-60, (2007), 65-85.
“Moral Discourse in a Time of AIDS”, in Contemporary Irish Moral Discourse. (Essays in Honour of Patrick Hannon), Amelia Fleming (ed.), (Dublin: Columba Press, 2007).
“Women and HIV/AIDS”, Furrow, 57, (2006), 232-238.
“AIDS, Poverty and Injustice: Reflections on the AIDS Epidemic in the Developing World”, National University of Ireland Maynooth Postgraduate Research Record: Proceedings of the Colloquium 2003, 149-156.
“Glencree Centre for Reconciliation”, “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, “Tridentine Movement”, in Brian Lalor (General Editor), The Encyclopaedia of Ireland, (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 2003).
Roberts, Ethics, and the Future of Jobs, The Furrow, vol.72, 10, October 2021
Conscience: Writings from Moral Theology by St. Alphonsus, The Furrow, vol.71, 12, December 2020.
Building Bridges in Sarajevo: The Plenary Papers from CTEWC 2018, The Furrow, vol.71, 3, March 2020.
Defending Hope: Dispatches From the Front Lines in Palestine and Israel, The Furrow, vol.70, 1, January 2019.
Laudato si’: An Irish Response, The Furrow, vol.69, 5, May 2018.
The Servant and the Ladder: Cooperation with Evil in the Twenty First Century, The Furrow, vol.68, 1, January 2017.
“Remembering Rightly”, The Furrow, vol.67, no.2, February 2016, 73-79.
Suzanne Mulligan is a graduate of the Pontifical University, Maynooth. She was a Lecturer in Moral Theology at the Milltown Institute, Dublin (2004-2011) before being appointed to the Faculty of Theology at Maynooth. She held the Finlay Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Theology at the Milltown Institute between 2006 and 2008. At Maynooth, she was Director of the Higher Diploma in Theological Studies (2012-2019). She is currently coordinator of the Masters in Contemporary Ethics at the Pontifical University. Dr. Mulligan is a member of the Planning Committee (European representative) for Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Moral Theology. She is also a member of the Association of Moral Theologians. She was invited as a guest lecturer on the Masters in Interreligious Dialogue at the University of Lugano, Switzerland.
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