Divine Diamond by Kevin O'Gorman


Posted 27th September


The Gospel of John, the ‘spiritual Gospel’, can sometimes confound the reader with its multiplicity and interweaving of themes. A new book uses the metaphor of a diamond as a tool to understanding and illuminating this, the ‘fourth Gospel’.

In Divine Diamond Facets of the Fourth Gospel, the themes of the Gospel of John are highlighted and held together like light falling on a diamond and flowing from facet to facet. In this way author Kevin O’Gorman creates a circular dynamic, drawing those who read and pray the Gospel into a deeper understanding of its spirituality and theology.

This accessible study focuses on ten themes including those of light, love, truth, mission and joy. Drawing on the commentaries of scripture scholars and the writings of theologians, the author strikes a light on different facets of the diamond, to illuminate and interpret the import of particular passages and verses and allow them to radiate out.

Kevin O’Gorman SMA is a lecturer in moral theology at the Pontifical University at Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth. He is a priest of the Society of African Missions and has previously published Journeying in Joy and Gladness with Messenger Publications.


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