Acedia and the Transformation of Spiritual Malaise:
A Day Conference in Honour of the Life and Work of Father Martin McAlinden
16th June 2017, 10am-4pm
Drumalis Retreat and Conference Centre
47 Glenarm Road, Larne, County Antrim, BT40 1DT
Speakers include:
Professor Wayne Morris (Martin’s doctoral supervisor)
Dr Dawn Llewellyn
Rev Gill Henwood
Rev Stephen Adams
Rev Ruth Craig
The Conference will run between 10am and 2.30pm
At 3pm, a Graduation Ceremony will be convened and an Honorary Doctorate of the University of Chester will be conferred posthumously on Fr Martin McAlinden and presented to his family
Presiding Officer: Canon Professor Timothy J Wheeler, DL
Vice Chancellor and Principal, University of Chester
It is anticipated that places will fill quickly for this event so please book ahead
Lunch and Refreshments will be provided throughout the day
Participants are asked to make a donation of £25 towards the costs of the day
All donations will be given to Drumalis in support of their work
Please book your place here: Booking
For further information, please contact Professor Wayne Morris: